HKHands store

HKHands store is an e-commerce platform developed, managed and operated by the HKHands team. Our aim is to promote the development of Hong Kong local and international Creative Design Brands as we believe "Good Design is worth to Share and be Discovered!" In the platform, we share the burden of development and management pressure, increase exposure and sales channel for the brands. Also create a different choice for local friends who love creative designs.

  • Original Design + Authorized Agency
  • Increase online exposure and marketing opportunities of brands
  • Support Hong Kong designer brands
HKHands store

Designers, illustrators, craftsmen, freelance creators, and agents authorized by international brands are welcome to join to showcase their new designs and high-quality works. Manage, promote, sell, and build brands through this platform.

  • YearSince 2020
  • NatureHong Kong Cultural and Creative Design Online Shopping Platform
